2012年3月7日 星期三

Wuthering heights

很早以前就聽過這首歌,當時聽的是Kate Bush版本。那時候對這首歌只是聽聽,沒仔細看它的歌詞,Kate Bush尖銳又有點神經質的聲音讓我很難深入去聽她在唱些什麼。不過雖說如此她的弦律總是讓人難忘。這幾天剛好聽到Hayley的版本,於是我終於仔細聽、看歌詞到底在寫些什麼,沒想到這一看歌詞,原來是這樣啊!

這首歌歌名是:Wuthering hights 怒吼的高地??我恍然大悟,原來是咆哮山莊啊!實在不能怪我不知道咆哮山莊的英文名字,畢竟當時是很年青時看的書。咆哮山莊應該算是我看的第一本西洋文學(當然小時候看的那些改編給小朋友看的不算),國中時第一次接觸的西洋文學作品,從那時開始不少的西洋文學作品陪伴我青澀的歲月。咆哮山莊畢竟是第一本,所以相當的喜歡,當年國中的日子總覺得挺灰暗的,家人的壓力和學校裡無形的競爭,再加上年輕不懂交際的自己,用冷漠表情來逃避現實、用高傲的眼神來掩飾自卑,總是想逃離一切,現在想起來會覺得有點可笑、但多少也帶點悲傷。


下面是Wuthering heights的歌詞,看過咆哮山莊的人應該會很有感覺,看完歌詞後我又找了Kate Bush的版本,才覺得這首歌還是適合她唱啊!

Out on the wiley, windy moors
We'd roll and fall in green.
You had a temper like my jealousy:
Too hot, too greedy.
How could you leave me,
When I needed to possess you?
I hated you. I loved you, too.

Bad dreams in the night.
They told me I was going to lose the fight,
Leave behind my wuthering, wuthering
Wuthering Heights.

Heathcliff, it's me-Cathy.
Come home. I'm so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.
Heathcliff, it's me-Cathy.
Come home. I'm so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.

Ooh, it gets dark! It gets lonely,
On the other side from you.
I pine a lot. I find the lot
Falls through without you.
I'm coming back, love.
Cruel Heathcliff, my one dream,
My only master.

Too long I roam in the night.
I'm coming back to his side, to put it right.
I'm coming home to wuthering, wuthering,
Wuthering Heights,

Heathcliff, it's me-Cathy.
Come home. I'm so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.
Heathcliff, it's me-Cathy.
Come home. I'm so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.

Ooh! Let me have it.
Let me grab your soul away.
Ooh! Let me have it.
Let me grab your soul away.
You know it's me-Cathy!

Heathcliff, it's me-Cathy.
Come home. I'm so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.
Heathcliff, it's me-Cathy.
Come home. I'm so cold!
Let me in-a-your window.

Heathcliff, it's me-Cathy.
Come home. I'm so cold!

